Saturday, May 12, 2012

Faithful Looting

We're coming up on the future.

During MTG's second Great Designer Search,entrants answered ten short response questions to see how well they understood WotC's current design philosophy. The following question was posed:

You are instructed to move an ability from one color to another. This ability must be something used in every set (i.e. discard, direct damage, card drawing etc.). You may not choose an ability that has already been color shifted by R&D. What ability do you shift and to what color do you shift it? Explain why you would make that shift.

Apparently an overwhelming majority of finalists argued to move looting (draw a card, then discard a card, a la Merfolk Looter) should be moved from blue to red. R&D listened. Magic sets are made a few years in advance so we wouldn't see the results of that change surface until...well, about now I suppose.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My 5-Year Plan

I had something of a life-altering epiphanizing event recently. Lots of fallout, but the relevant upside is a restructuring of my work ethic. Namely, while I am unemployed and searching out work, I will pretend like I am employed. This means working 40 hours a week, every week.

Here are things which count as work:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tom Francis, on how to explain a Video Game to an asshole

Tom Francis explains how to explain a game to someone

If you're like me you constantly have issues with this. I know I've fallen into the traps in the first half of his speech more times than I can count. And I can tell you that I am going to refer to this in the future. Hopefully it'll help me to be a better writer.