Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Me and Riot, sitting in a tree

So I've been applying to be a Game Designer at Riot for the past several months now. They have a very extensive screening process which makes sense since most prospective designers, at least from what I've seen on internet forums, are not very good. Also, even as LoL expands and Riot needs more personnel for servers and computer-bops, the core design team is more of an intensive property and doesn't need to grow as much.

I'd love to tell you about all the design tests they've been giving me, but unfortunately I've sworn the Unbreakable Vow and will literally die if I say a word. But it's going well methinks.

Unrelatedly, I've been added to Doran's Workshop, Riot's testing realm for changes to league of legends. Not for testing new champions, but for minor patching tweaks. Put more simply it's a condensed forum which filters out all the voices that complain annoyingly while leaving the voices that complain helpfully.

As such, I've found a much better place to talk about my "Let's Fix" scenarios for LoL than this Blog. I'll still talk about other things here, but just not those boring things.

Onwards and upwards!

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